Investor FAQs

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Where are HBT Financial’s corporate headquarters?
HBT Financial is headquartered in Bloomington, Illinois. The Company’s address is 401 North Hershey Road, Bloomington, Illinois 61704.
What is HBT Financial’s ticker symbol and where is the stock traded?
Our common stock is listed on the NASDAQ under the symbol HBT. For more detailed stock information, please visit our Stock Quote and Chart page.
Who is HBT Financial’s transfer agent and how do I contact them?
The Company’s transfer agent is Computershare Trust Company, N.A. Computershare can be contacted through its website at
How do I transfer stock, change the address on my shareholder account, or replace a lost stock certificate?
Shareholders wishing to transfer their shares into a new or additional names, change the address, or replace lost certificates should contact Computershare through its website at
Does HBT Financial have a direct stock purchase plan?
The Company does not currently offer a direct stock purchase plan.
How do I sign up to receive more information on HBT Financial?
Visit our Email Alert page to sign up to receive specific communications that align with your interests.
How can I request additional information from HBT Financial?
You can contact us via our Investor Contact page.